Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's t ball time in Tennessee!!

Ella and Bree playing in the dirt.
Daddy helping Ella Claire.
Getting ready to hit and run to Mommy at first base.

Ella, Bree and Jax had their 1st t ball practice on Thursday. Bree has played for the past two years, but Jax and Ella joined the Party Animals this year.
This season should be funny to say the least.

"Ella funnies" from t ball practice:

Bryan is coaching again . When Ella payed enough attention to notice that B was helping someone else she would day, "I want my Daddy back."

When someone hit the ball she would run towards it (as all other 9 players did).
She didn't care if she got it or not, but would run back to me and say, "That's fun, Mommy!" or "We did it. We did it."

She also really enjoyed throwing red dirt on Bree when she wasn't looking. LOL


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The two most important things about me are that I am a wife to Bryan and mother to Ella Claire. I have been married to my best friend for 3 1/2 years. Bryan teaches at the alternative school in our hometown and coaches high school wrestling. I enjoy my job, which allows me to remain home with Ella Claire alot, but also help other children as well. I love spending time with my family, cooking, traveling, reading, watching movies, UT football, gardening and stamping. I love my life!